Deliverance from a Fit of Fainting

An Electronic Edition · Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672)

Original Source: The Works of Anne Bradstreet in Prose and Verse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. (Charlestown: A. E. Cutter, 1867)

Copyright 2003. This text is freely available provided the text is distributed with the header information provided.

Full Colophon Information

Deliverance from a fitt of fainting.

Worthy art Thou, O Lord, of praise!1.
But ah ! it’s not in me; 
My sinking heart I pray thee raise, 
So shall I give it Thee. 

My life as Spider’s webb’s cutt off,5.
Thus fainting have I said, 
And liveing man no more shall see, 
But bee in silence layd. 

My feblee Spirit thou didst revive,9.
My doubting Thou didst chide, 
And tho : as dead mad’st me alive, 
I here a while might ‘bide. 

Why should I live but to thy Praise?13.
My life is hid with Thee; 
O Lord, no longer bee my Dayes, 
Then I may fruitfull bee. 

Full Colophon Information

Genre: Poetry
Subjects: Illness, Religion
Period: 1650-1700
Location: New England
Format: verse

This text was first published in 1650 in The Tenth Muse lately sprung up in America.

This electronic text was prepared from and proofed against The Works of Anne Bradstreet in Prose and Verse. Edited by John Harvard Ellis. (Charlestown: A. E. Cutter, 1867). All preliminaries and notes have been omitted except those for which the author is responsible and those in which editorial notes indicate significant textual variations. All editorial notes have been omitted except for those which indicate significant textual variations. Line and paragraph numbers contained in the source text have been retained. In cases where the source text displays no numbers, numbers are automatically generated. In the header, personal names have been regularized according to the Library of Congress authority files as "Last Name, First Name" for the REG attribute and "First Name Last Name" for the element value. Names have not been regularized in the body of the text.