- Bigelow, Allison (et. al.)
Allison Bigelow is assistant professor of colonial Latin American literature in the Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese at the University of Virginia. Students in the “Colonial Translations” seminar at W&M and UVa selected a text from Special Collections and translated it in whole or in part.
Contributions to EADA:
- (with Taneen Maghsoudi, Kimia Nikseresht and Tara Shafiei; University of Virginia)
Tavernier, Jean Baptiste, Voyages through Persia and India - (with Emma Merril; College of William & Mary)
Ramón, Tomás, Nueva prematica de reformacion/New Pragmatic Language of Reformation - (with Danielle Tassara; College of William & Mary)
Queen of Spain (Isabella II), Chinese Coolie Contract Regarding Work in Cuba, 1858 - (with Abby Kamensky, Mae Flato, Molly Hepner, Kayla Pomeranz, & Karla Núñez; University of Virginia)
Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, Virtues of the Indian - (with Sarah Schuster; College of William & Mary)
Lafitau, Joseph-François, Histoire des découvertes et conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde - (with Hannah Berk, College of William & Mary)
King of Spain, Se extranen de todos sus Dominios de España : é Indias ; Islas Philipinas, y demas adyacentes a los Religiosos de la Compañia, ãssi Sacerdotes, como Coadjutores, ó Legos, que hayan hecho la primero Profession - (with Sutton White, Matt Troppe, Anthony Correia, and Brent Nagel; University of Virginia)
Gálvez, Bernardo, Diario de las operaciones de la expedicion contra la plaza de Panzacola concluida por las armas de S.M. católica, baxo las órdenes del mariscal de campo don Bernardo de Galvez (Havana?: 1781?) - (with Patrick Johnson, PhD Candidate at the College of William & Mary)
Benítes y Gávlez, Bartolomé, Expedition (16 April, 1790) - (with 24 graduate and undergraduate translators in SPAN 4500; University of Virginia)
Audiencia de Santa Fé to the King, The Audiencia of Sta. Fee to the king, on the taking of Sto. Thome by the English in 1618 - (with Ashleigh K. Ramos, Andreea Cleopatra Washburn, and Vanessa Macias; College of William & Mary)
Álvarez, Francisco, Noticia del establecimiento y poblacion de las colonias inglesas en la America Septentrional; religion, orden de gobierno, leyes y costumbres de sus naturales y habitantes; calidades de su clima, terreno, frutos, plantas y animales; y estado de su industria, artes, comercio y navegacion - (with Claire Gillespie; College of William & Mary)
Vendrell y Puig, Miguel. Ynstituciones Mathematicas (Veracruz 1794), pp. 53-53v. Mathematical Institutions (Veracruz, 1794) - (with Kate Eagen and Lisa Trinh; University of Virginia)
Asbaje, Juana de (also known as Juana Inés de la Cruz), Philosophical Satire, or Sátira filosófica
- Bouwman, Heather (et. al.)
Heather Bouwman is an associate professor at the University of St. Thomas. In fall 2001 and summer 2002, she and her graduate students in early Native American literature completed a research project on Samson Occom in which they readied two of his unpublished sermons for publication. The graduate students involved in this project include Margret Aldrich, Nicole Ferrara, Keri Henkel, Sara Hoffman, Marilyn Paulson, Matthew DiPietro, Todd Helmer, Ira Qyqja, and Emily Schmidt.
Contributions to EADA:
-Samson Occom, Selected Sermons
- Glazer, Michelle
Michelle Glazer is currently a senior undergraduate student at the University of Maryland, College Park, majoring in history, with a concentration in US history, and minoring in Spanish. She has interned and worked at collections, archives, historical societies, and museums. She plans to pursue my doctorate in history.
Her contribution to the EADA is “A Poem on the Inhumanity of the Slave Trade” by Ann Yearsley.
- Gonzalez, Mauro
Mauro A. Gonzalez is an undergraduate student at the University of Maryland, College Park (projected graduation in 2025). He is double majoring in Government & Politics (GVPT) and Philosophy, Politics, & Economics (PPE). His research interests include early 20th century politics in Europe and the Americas, criollo nationalism, and Latin American nation-building, along with doing general archival work. He plans on pursuing a M.S. in Applied Political Analytics and a J.D. He is also a DJ at UMD’s student radio station, WMUC.
His contribution to the EADA is “Letter from Supreme Director of Chile Bernardo O’Higgins to Antonio José de Irisarri“.
- McDonald, Jarom
Jarom McDonald is Associate Research Professor in the Office of Digital Humanities at Brigham Young University.
Contributions to EADA:
–Francisco Atanasio Domínguez’ and Francisco Silvestre Vélez de Escalante’s Diario y Derrotero. Transcription, introduction, notes, and electronic facsimile edition by Jarom McDonald.
- Pedrick, Daniel Harvey
Dan Pedrick is an enthusiastic Hispanophile and a freelance writer on subjects of historical, equestrian, and general interest, as well as music, art, and travel. After graduating from the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada in 1998 with a double major in Hispanic Studies (Hons.) and Writing, Dan was awarded a master’s degree in Hispanic Studies from the same institution in 2002.
He worked in the Computer Aided Language Learning lab at the University of Victoria until retiring from academic life in 2006. His contributions to the EADA, a transcription, translation, and introduction of The Autobiography of doña Catalina de Erauso, are drawn from his master’s thesis.
Contributions to EADA:
–The Autobiography of doña Catalina de Erauso
- Sobel, Brandon.
Brandon Sobel is an alumnus at the University of Maryland, College Park, and Rutgers School of Biomedical Sciences in Piscataway. He plans on pursuing a M.D.Before graduating from the University of Maryland in 2019, Brandon worked as a project manager for the Environmental Monitoring Lab, an english tutor for The University Writing Center, an Emergency Medical Technician, and a teacher of the sciences for young children.His contributions to the EADA:McLellan, Isaac The Fall of the Indian
- Tarrago, Rafael E.
Rafael E. Tarrago is a Librarian for History, Political Science, and Iberian & Ibero-American Studies at the Wilson Library at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
Contributions to EADA:
–Una disputa, o controversia: entre el Obispo don fray Bartholome de las Casas, …y el doctor Gines de Sepulveda
Kara Thompson
Kara Thompson is a recent graduate of the University of Maryland, who majored in English. Her concentration in English included Literary and Cultural Studies. Her contribution to the EADA is an introduction to and an edition of “Mourt’s Relation” by Edward Winslow.__________
- Ziser, Michael
Michael Ziser is an associate professor of English at the University of California at Davis.
His contributions to the EADA are
–Poems, Literary Prose, and Journalism of Alexander Wilson
–Introduction to Alexander Wilson, Poems, Literary Prose, and Journalism (by Michael Ziser)Full Colophon Information
no location set! - Ziser, Michael